Saturday, December 11, 2010

Camera Critters - Boss Squirrel

Andy | Saturday, December 11, 2010 | Best Blogger Tips

Interesting markings on this squirrel. First one I've seen with orange fur. In my backyard this one rules all of the other squirrels in the neighbourhood. There's more at Camera Critters


  1. he is a pretty one, the color is al lot different than the grays one I see here.

  2. A black squirrel right? We have reds up here; good photo. Gary & Boom of The Vermilon River.

  3. We don't have black squirrel around here... the 1st one I ever saw was when I started blogging & saw one on someone's page... the ones we have around here in SeMo are gray or red, which are called fox squirrels, because of their color! =)

  4. Beautiful shot! What a nice looking little guy.
    This would be good for Weekend Reflections because of the reflection in his eye.

  5. Well shot bud... Reminds me of the movie national lampoons christmas vacation, those squirrel scenes with Chevvy Chase were priceless, have me in stitches everytime


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