Friday, April 08, 2011

Scenic Sunday - Silos

Andy | Friday, April 08, 2011 | Best Blogger Tips

These silos in Claremount have not been in use for a number of years.
See more scenes at Scenic Sunday.


  1. I think silos are cool additions to the landscape. They should all be kept and transformed into something useful.

    (as for Zorro, I am old enough to remember Mr Williams - he was my hero and I would jump around on the back of the chesterfield in my cape and bandana brandishing my imaginary sword into an elaborate Z. don't remember if I broke anything, but I probably did.)

  2. I guess this photo was taken awhile back... I haven't seen that much snow around here! :)

    PS: What do people do with those bags of milk??

  3. They are lovely against the skyline -- but brrr!

  4. Halcyon, you are right. The photo was taken on February 23, 2011. The snow is melting faster than I can post my photos.

  5. Nice photo!!! ( In my photo it was graffiti)

  6. Great composition - hope your snow is melting faster than ours!!

  7. I wonder what sort of wildlife has made a home there now?

  8. There is something so very photogenic and hard to resist about derelict buildings! Very nice shot!

    My Scenic Sunday is here:

  9. Neat. I love exploring old farm structures. If you have time check out my blog at . I am trying to boost my number of followers. Thanks!

  10. I grew up in Borneo with NO silos. I always wonder how they get the grain to the top.


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