Saturday, September 03, 2011

Sunday Bridges - Florenceville

Andy | Saturday, September 03, 2011 | Best Blogger Tips
Built in 1907 the Bridge crosses the Saint John River at Florenceville, New Brunswick. It has four spans, one of which is covered. The village of Florenceville was named after the famous nurse Florence Nightingale. I'm linking to San Francisco Bay Daily Photo.


  1. This is beautiful. I have never seen such a bridge here in Sweden.

  2. Covered bridges are great reminders of past history and visuially appealing! They are disappearing though.

  3. Your are right Sallie. Fire is the biggest hazard to these bridges.

  4. Fire is the biggest hazard? I would of thought storms, wind and rain, would do these covered bridges in. What I find curious about this one is that only one of the spans is covered. I wonder what the thinking behind the design was.

  5. Francisca, I should have said the fires are started by arsonists.

  6. Looks like a strong bridge - hope it withstand the tests of nature. Just reading about bridges that fell down in Vermont from Hurricane Irene.

  7. that's a lovely bridge, but I'm curious about why only one span is covered?

  8. This is an interesting combination of bridges!

  9. I wish we had a few more covered bridges here in Ontario.

  10. I love covered bridges. This is a nice shot to show the complete bridge. I wonder why they chose to cover one span of it?

  11. I have been wonder myself why only one span is covered. I could not find any info when I took the photo in June and still can't find any with internet searches.

  12. Oh my, this is too weird. My boys are on a camping/ hiking trip this week and just put a picture of this very same bridge on facebook. Small world. I have been anxiously awaiting your next self portrait...did I miss it?


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