Sunday, August 19, 2012

Strange Find

Andy | Sunday, August 19, 2012 | Best Blogger Tips

I like walking off the beaten path. My wife has been telling me that one day I'm going to find a body. So far I have only found out of place items like this one.


  1. Nice shot andy. Looks really grim.

  2. Doesn't it make you wonder about the story behind such items?

  3. If only that suitcase could tell it's story of how it came to such a grim end. Bet it would be a thriller.

  4. Always kid my wife... w/o my camera a UFO is sure to call on me.

  5. I always find a lot of odd stuff on dog walks. I actually once found a perfectly good carry-on suitcase by the side of the road. I still have it...

  6. Ugh... the way things are going in Toronto and the area, you'll probably just find parts of a body. :(
    But hopefully it will just be more dead suitcases.

  7. No mystery to this story - it probably fell from an airplane! My suitcase has been lost by a few airlines in its day and this looks so much like it (except for the dirt and rust) that I went downstairs to make sure that mine was still here...phew...

  8. This looks kind of scary to me, Andy. EW!!


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