Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Car Art

Andy | Wednesday, August 24, 2016 | Best Blogger Tips
From an antique car lover’s viewpoint pure blasphemy.

Albert Broussard the owner has been asked many time "Why would you do this?"

His reply would be "it’s been an antique since I was a kid and I wanted something different".

If you are thinking that looks like a Volkswagen Beetle trunk lid you are absolutely right. Doing something like this to you car is not for everyone. Albert Broussard has the gift of gab and enjoys letting people examine his Caddy.


  1. Well, I don't know what to say... He might have used his artistic intentions on a wall perhaps...

  2. It reminds me of what is called naive art. Never seen it on a car before but why not.

  3. Well, if one wants attention, owning and driving this one is the answer.

  4. Oh no! Tell me it ain't so! It's not a dream, it's a nightmare of historic and hysteric proportions! :)

  5. Simply amazing. I've seen two or three different cars like this here in Arizona and last year I saw one in California that was completely covered in computer keyboard keys. I does make you wonder....

  6. I think the paint is interesting, but I'm not fond of the accouterments.

  7. Well he succeeded in being different. Wow!

  8. It beggars belief why you would do such a thing to a classic but then it's his car so he can do what he wants with it. I'm not a fan of Caddy's but this would put me off altogether if I were

  9. The car looks very happy. The man has a big, nice hobby.

  10. Suddenly I don't feel too well.

  11. That would definitely draw people's attention!

  12. No anonymity possible driving that thing! :)

  13. No problem using this car to make an art car. It is not that old or rare to be a loss to collectors. It is a perfect canvas for the owner's creativity. It sure is eye catching, and unique. Not that he need is, but I highly approve.

  14. I love his creativity and his ability to march to his own drummer. Not the same thing floats everyone's boat. I like it. genie


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