Saturday, April 26, 2014

Ripped Off At The Gas Pump

Andy | Saturday, April 26, 2014 | Best Blogger Tips

Canadians have never had a problem paying world market prices for commodities; however as we are indeed paying the world market price for our energy and then some. A serious lack of competition at the wholesale level for petroleum has allowed major refiner marketers to artificially inflate the price of gas without worry of objective review or oversight.


  1. I feel the pain. I live in New Brunswick and gas here is $1.43 a liter. Works out to somewhere around $6.50 a gallon (that's just a guess but close enough). The major oil refinery is a stone's throw away. Go figure! Do enjoy your blog. I come over to visit now and then.

  2. Nice shot - I'm wondering if she knew you were taking her picture. Gas prices - ugh. I should probably pay more attention, but it's so discouraging, and it's not as though I can do without.

  3. If it gets any higher, it will be cheaper to fly.

  4. The price is rising here daily. What a scam!

  5. The gas companies can't fuel all the people all of the time. Spring is the time gas prices grow.

    Thank you for your comment on my blog. Always good to start the day with a laugh.

  6. I know what you mean. Gas prices here are awfully high too.

  7. You're right on! We are being ripped off on gas prices and that comes from a little old Alberta boy!

  8. I filled up this week at $1.37 and I wish I had a bigger tank to get more before it goes higher!

  9. Nice shot of the "pumper lady."
    I can't say prices are any better in the U.S. We lived in driving distance to the Chevron refinery in Richmond, California. Anytime anything happened there (including, seemingly, any employee having indigestion) prices went up at the pumps within hours. Fire? Pipe rupture? Routine maintenance? Count on a price hike. Ugh!

  10. I filled up today at $2.596 a litre, yepp!!!

  11. Oh I hear you Andy.. makes me so mad when they put the prices up over the weekend and holidays..


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