Saturday, August 16, 2014

Globe File Manufacturing Company - Abandoned

Andy | Saturday, August 16, 2014 | Best Blogger Tips

Established 1888 in Port Hope, Ontario. Taken over by Cooper Industries in 1972, it remained in Port Hope until the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) led to the business being moved to Mexico.


  1. Well the building still stands. Its of a better make then the alu halls they make today.

  2. I like the way the wide-angle has given a different perspective on the building.

  3. Ah yes! One of the results of NAFTA.

  4. That is the first thing my eye caught too, the effect the ultra wide angle lens gave to the building. Looks cool.

  5. It's always a lonely sight to see an abandoned building.

  6. I'm not sure I'd think of it as progress. It's a bit forelorn.

  7. These old buildings are just gorgeous when they are photographed correctly!! I love this picture and that pretty sky!!

  8. I'm seeing condos here one day. But, it is always sad to see the loss of manufacturing capacity and jobs.

  9. I'm with Jack too. And based on my recent experience with the quality of products - the kinds of things that used to last decades - I can't say it's a positive trend.

  10. Port Hope is an old stomping grounds destination for our family passing through by car. .


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