Thursday, December 05, 2013

Red Or Pink?

Andy | Thursday, December 05, 2013 | Best Blogger Tips

Toronto, Ontario. - Some people might say it's red but it's my blog and I say it's pink.


  1. What an awfully colour to paint your house. I feel sorry for the neighbours....

  2. Regardless of the label, it is a most unusual colour!

  3. And I say very sunny. Funny that you paint the bricks. Here we do it only if they are of bad quality and are leaking water.

  4. In a visual way I like it. It break the monotony in my eyes. Today in DC you can only paint the bricks if they have been painted before.

  5. hmmmm i'm going to through salmon color out there :) what a neat row of houses!

  6. It's pink and it doesn't go with any of the other colors. Again good eye for catching some good eye candy.

  7. I like the architecture. What once was called row houses now would be called condos. Maybe this is red paint that faded to pink.

  8. Yes it is pink the middle but on the right is red.

  9. I'd call it cerise - vivid pinkish red! Sure is an eyesore...err, eye catcher ;)

  10. Looks like there is a sunny corner to that house that faded the red. I'm not a fan of red painted brinks, but it could be worse....

  11. That shot is sooo downtown Toronto, Andy!

  12. I must be going color blind - I see both!:)

  13. I'm going to go with coral. It would only be half as bad without those horrid green accents.

  14. Nice houses - it looks reddish-pink to me but more pink than red.

  15. Deep pink and lovely whatever the colour Andy!

  16. The house on the right is definitely red. The house in question likely used to be red, but has now faded to pink. Looking at the peak of the wall, it is more pink than where it is shaded from the sun. It is a house that needs re-painting, hopefully with a better quality paint.


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