Saturday, March 08, 2014

Icing On The Tree

Andy | Saturday, March 08, 2014 | Best Blogger Tips

Another windy day on the waterfront. Can you see the water vapor rising above the wave splash and below the branch extended to the left? That is from the Nuke Plant discharging hot water into the lake.


Getting down low is where we find the icing on the tree.


  1. That looks really cold. No trouble with the nuclear plant about radioactivity, but of course not. The people who need to know first are always the last to hear about it.

  2. It is maybe cold, but you get spectacular photos of the ice!

  3. I'm feeling a bit sorry for that tree right now. That is a lot of ice to have encasing one's limbs.

  4. wow...those pictures are amazing. Love the ice on the branches!

  5. The fog from the nuke makes for some interesting subject matter, but I'm guessing it doesn't bode well for the native wildlife.

    The ice is most excellent.

  6. Love the shot of the lower branches. Not so sure I'd be happy to see warm water from a nuclear plant, clean or not.

  7. A beautiful tree silhouette! I forgot you are so near to the nuke plant.

  8. Wow those icy branches are really cool looking.

  9. oh this is so pretty!!
    and such a huge difference with our weather. feels like summer out here, so quite weird to see icy pics like this!
    and thanks for your nice comment! i myself actually often look without commenting, so i know i was complaining like a child.. but sometimes its all you can do...;)

  10. Brilliant photos, Andy. Many fish and mammals like the warm releases from nuclear power plants. Down here, the manatees hang out in the warm releases.


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