Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Signs - No Butts About It

Andy | Wednesday, January 20, 2016 | Best Blogger Tips

Smokers are finding that their space is getting smaller and smaller.

Just below the sign at the top you will find this cigarette receptacle to keep smokers from tossing their butts on the ground. Cigarette butts are not biodegradable and contain toxic substances that need to be disposed of properly. A lot of smokers toss their cigarette butts onto the sidewalks or streets and don't stop to think where their butts end up ... Lake Ontario. These new collection bins are part of a strategy to address the problem. The butts will be recycled into plastic lumber and shipping supplies. I'm linking to Lesley's Signs, Signs.


  1. The recycle butt is a very clever find. I hate to see all those cigarette butts at busstops or sidewalks.

  2. I miss the text , the one you have in your mouth was lying here first.

  3. I've never seen this before. Perhaps our butts have been floating up to you and your butts have been floating down to us.

  4. Sad that society still has this...but that is just me.

  5. Good idea! I see people flipping cigarette butts out their car windows all the time. It's rather irritating.

  6. It is so good for humans to break the habit of smoking, and I am happy that communities are helping the effort.

  7. I see those butt holders around but I wonder if they get used a lot!

  8. I was a smoker once, back in the bad old days.

  9. This receptacle is a good idea. Nothing like that around here.

  10. Be even better to have people break their tobacco habit. It is becoming less and less socially acceptable to smoke these days. I don't know anyone who does.

  11. Canada is ahead of the U.S. on this one as far as I can see. Smoking is banned in a lot of areas but there don't seem to be receptacles for people who do smoke.

  12. Well signed.
    In our small city there are many places that are banned from smoking.

  13. I'm all for that little recycling thingy for butts. When I volunteer to clean up the city all I pick up are butts, and I don't see people smoking anymore. So I wonder where the butts are all coming from.


  14. All litter is nasty - why do people do it?

  15. Unfortunately, I don't think many smokers are training to throw their butts away. There are many on the sidewalks of Berlin and Germans are typically vrey orderly and rule-abiding.

  16. makes me so angry when i see people just toss out their cigs...your title made me laugh :)

  17. So many people don't think that dropping their butts on the ground is litter. You're right they need to be educated about the non-biodegradable factor. I once heard someone suggest he was helping the birds line their nests! Sheesh, some people will use any excuse to be lazy.


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