Friday, May 02, 2014

Phone Gal

Andy | Friday, May 02, 2014 | Best Blogger Tips

Between phone calls, she stood on the corner with a paper coffee cup in hand... panhandling.


  1. Somebody without a mobile telephone and an pay telephone that still works. A little miracle here Andy.

  2. What a great expression on her face! I rarely see pay phones anymore.

  3. Happy moment, and a bit "retro style" over your image..... the fact that she is using a telephone box:)

  4. Great catch! There is so much here that makes me wonder. I walk past panhandlers daily, but never saw one use the change for a phone call there's something kind of hopeful in that.

    1. Her clothing looks to0 good for her to be a street person. I think her panhandling is more of a business. Her partner was working with his cup kitty corner to her.

  5. I agree with SC, we hardly have any pay telephones in the street here. You got her look!

    1. Alexander Graham Bell the inventor of the phone lived in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Perhaps we should declare all pay phones historic sights. :)

  6. Seems like she is a pretty well-groomed and classy dresser for a panhandler.

  7. I overheard a pan handler in Las Vagas say he had already made over $200 at 11AM!!

  8. I often photograph pay phones when I see them, which is not often. Most no longer work, so this is quite a rare image. I like your idea of declaring pay phones historic monuments. Love the expression on her face. She must be one of the few people without her own cell phone.

  9. Now there is something you don't see much any more. I think she caught you though!

  10. It looks like she spotted you taking her photo too!

  11. Yep. She looks like she's doing well enough with her "job."

  12. I can't remember when I last saw anyone on a pay phone! Or even saw a pay phone. In Oregon, even the panhandlers have cell phones. (I don't necessarily think that's a great thing, but it is true.). We never see panhandlers here in Florida and I am afraid to ask why.

  13. I don't remember when the last time was that I saw a pay telephone in use. What a great capture, especially with that facial expression.

  14. Surprised to see that payphone! I knew a woman that panhandled and made a fair living from it.

  15. Oh my! I haven't seen a payphone in years! What a great expression you caught.

  16. She's giving you the grin... suggesting she's interested.... in your $$$. lol

  17. I don't thinks he looks poor. I notice her nails manicured. That is a pretty fancy telephone. Is this in Toronto?

  18. Great catch! What a fun facial expression! Did she mind you taking her picture ?
    I have no idea how often payphones are used these days.... not much I imagine.


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