Thursday, July 11, 2019

On The Bench

Andy | Thursday, July 11, 2019 | Best Blogger Tips
Why are millions of people still living in poverty when society is more than rich enough to put an end to it?


  1. Pretty soft shades for a sad scene as we unfortunately meet more and more often. I'm a little sad that you wait every day until I come to your house to visit me...

  2. I would say that the answer might be greed.

  3. Sad. I just can't bring myself to photograph them.

  4. No lo entiendo, con la riqueza que hay y muchas personas viven en el desamparo.

  5. Una gran instantánea callejera, foto denuncia de carácter social. No hay solución, aunque la sociedad nos diera a todos los mismos talentos, en igual cuantía y las mismas oportunidades, al final siempre habrá diferencias; unos los pondrán a trabajar y los multiplicarán, otros no (Mateo 25 14-30).
    Un abrazo

  6. Some people only care about themselves and money.

  7. Humanity is wrapped up in itself, ignores those homeless and disturbed people because it is easier. It is easier to be ignorant than to learn about issues faced by many in this group.

    When a celebrity is paid millions to make a movie, lives in luxury in more than one house, it seems to me that they should feel a sense of compassion and generosity. Should is the key word.

  8. It's everyone for themselves I expect, some people do think of others though, some think and don't do anything to help.
    Nice capture..

  9. I know, Andy. Well shown here, especially in muted tones.

  10. We are losing against the lose of human contact and the upcoming I,I and I mentality.


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