Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Winter Horse

Andy | Tuesday, December 10, 2019 | Best Blogger Tips
If you know what breed of horse they are please let me know in the comments.


  1. What beautiful creatures, Andy. I am sorry I don't know what breed

  2. Hard to tell the breed without knowing the size of the horses. These could be American Haflinger who are known as the human sized draft horses 14 to 15 hands high. They are beautiful no matter what their breed. They are just hoping you brought them some carrots.

  3. I don't but, they are beautiful. I see they have their winter coats on.

  4. They are beautiful and winter must be very hard for them even if they have food. If I had a horse, I would be unable to leave it in the wild in winter, even though I know that they are conditioned to withstand certain temperatures

  5. I don't know what breed of horse they are but they are incredibly beautiful!
    And so different from horses where I live. Great image, Andy!!!

  6. Lovely photo of them.
    They look healthy.

  7. Des Haflinger bien robustes qui ne craignent pas le froid.
    Nous avions une jument lusitanienne qui redoublait de vitalité chaque hiver, qui adorait galoper et se rouler dans la neige.
    Amitiés de France

  8. They look like draught horses to me, strong and stout. But there are so many different kinds. These are real beauties.

  9. Look like sturdy horses. They look great.

  10. What a beauties these are, have no knowledge of horses. A horse is a horse for me :)

  11. No entiendo mucho de caballos, pero me inclino por que son de raza Haflinger; no muy altos, fuertes y aptos para el tiro.
    Un saludo,


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