Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Andy | Wednesday, May 23, 2018 | Best Blogger Tips
Dandelions are usually thought of as being a weed. Personally I believe they have one of the most beautiful yellow flowers. They are also a food source for ants and bees.


  1. It looks like the sun, so cute you caught that bee inside!

  2. ...just one? I have a bunch if you'd like more!

  3. I like to see this beautiful sun on my screen

  4. A big pain in the A*** brought to England as salad a delicacy for the rich, problem is every one has it now and I would rather get it out of my garden, especially my lawn

  5. They can be very pretty and I've always liked them, except when my folks said to dig 'em up. But then it wasn't the dandelions I didn't like, it was the digging! Very nice macro, Andy! We don't have very many fact, I can't remember when I last saw a dandelion.

  6. and salad and wine . . . You know what they say; a weed is just a misplaced flower.

  7. While their flower makes for a beautiful macro photo, they seem to grow quite well in my lawn. No way to stop them short of chemical attack, which I won't do.

  8. Any plant with pretty blooms is worth a little tip of the hat!

  9. Beautiful smiling dandelion! And a first bee feasting.
    Such a delight to look at this image!!!

  10. I like them. We've got them in plenty here at present.

  11. The bee doesn't mind feeding off a dandelion. My wife loves them and sometimes I bring a bunch of them home to put in a vase. Makes her very happy.

  12. You would love our place. We have about an acre of these plants. Unfortunately, the blossoms turn into seed puffs pretty fast. I'm told the plants have a lot of antioxidants and are nutritious. I can't interest anyone in coming to our house to harvest them. You're certainly welcome any time you get down this way!

  13. To bee or not to bee... I don't mind the dandelions, but I don't want to mow around them. We let mason bees have a home in the nooks and crannies by our front door.

  14. They sure are a hardy plant, growing anywhere and everywhere!


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