Friday, November 01, 2019

B&W Friday

Andy | Friday, November 01, 2019 | | Best Blogger Tips
I was sitting on a bench eating a fibre bar when this guy landed near by. He moved closer when I began to share my food with him. We were friends for about three minutes until the edibles ran out. He departed without a thank you or a goodbye.


  1. The sky and the silvery shades on the sea or lake are superb

  2. will always help to make friends!

  3. Reminds me of the new movie out called The Lighthouse, I think. Shot in black and white. Nice shot.

  4. Perfect sky with great definition for your b&w photo.

  5. I guess seagulls need a spot of fiber too but, he could have at least given you a nod of thanks.

  6. Que le vas a hacer, Andy. Así son las gaviotas de desagradecidas, Jeje. Bonita fotografia con esas excelentes nubes de fondo.
    Un abrazo.

  7. Gadzooks! A giant gull! Gullzilla! Seriously, they never do say thanks, do they...

  8. Nice black and white photo - seagulls - well, amazing to watch as we ate by the sea whilst away. One bird in particular stood on the table and took it upon it's self to clear all of the others away each time food was offered, we then threw the food to the others on the ground but the one on the table stood it's ground.

  9. Great sky. Pity the gull isn't sharp but the law of physics is unrelentingly.


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