Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Pond Hockey

Andy | Wednesday, February 17, 2021 | Best Blogger Tips
If you ever see something like this you must be in Canada. ۜ\(סּںסּَ`)/ۜ


  1. ...well, it's finally cold enough for it here too.

  2. I passed by a local outdoor rink on Monday and there were 3 different hockey games going on at the same time plus just a bunch of kids skating around. Total chaos!

  3. I was just thinking what a truly Canadian scene.

  4. We played in pickup hockey games when I was a kid living north of Chicago. It was great fun. As I remember we didn't have much equipment, just skates and a hockey stick. There was a pond that provided our ice. The first task was to clear it of snow.

  5. We in Finland do that too. Not me though.

  6. Correct. I can see a lot of people on the ice but never hockeying.

  7. I have seen it here too a few times, but our ice is here to short. It has gone in two days already, people were only able to skate for two days and not to play games.


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