Sunday, January 23, 2022

Sunday Sky

Andy | Sunday, January 23, 2022 | Best Blogger Tips

The beauty of sky and the world below it never fails to amaze me.


  1. Love the tracks in the snow under that bright sky. Great shot, Andy.

  2. A beautiful sky! Love the view of the land.

  3. That's a pretty good view of the snow under the sky.

  4. When I lived in Duluth, I went to the motorcycle races on the ice. It was not only that the motorcycles were racing on the ice, it was that everyone parked their cars, trucks, and even school busses on the frozen water. I thought about it instantly when I saw the tire tracks int he snow. The first weekend I was there (as Program director of a radio station), a moose walked into a bar on the north side of town. I knew I wasn't in California anymore.

  5. Another WOW shot from you Andy. I tried yesterday give comment on my ipad different times but today I only get it done on my desktop. Very strange.

  6. I love those skies, at least they are blue and not gray as here....


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