Sunday, October 30, 2022

Wild Turkey

Andy | Sunday, October 30, 2022 | Best Blogger Tips

Every once and a while, there are turkeys that are curious and pass through my neighbourhood.


  1. ...this is not the environment where I would expect to see a turkey.

  2. I've never seen one. There was one living along a nearby laneway a couple of years ago but I was never able to spot it.

  3. Wild turkeys are smart birds, but this might not be the best season for them to show up. This turkey posed nicely for your photo.

  4. Now that is something you don't see every day. Handsome bird!

  5. Where I grew up, lived, worked, and generally hung out for a very long time-- The SF Bay Area-- I never, ever saw a wild turkey. Now they're all over the place-- just like the coyotes! Weird.

  6. Looks that they can fly. Didn't know that.


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