Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Signs, Signs - Puppy Love

Andy | Wednesday, May 09, 2012 | Best Blogger Tips

If you were a Durham Region Transit bus driver this would be the last sign you see leave the garage before entering service. I'm linking to Lesley's Signs, Signs.


  1. Great sign and of course especially targeting on the drivers behavior in traffic. Quiet a good sign unless you hating dogs.

  2. Oh, nice one. I knew this advice, but it's a good idea to place it where it is in your photo.

  3. this is a great reminder.
    i should hang this (a smaller version, of course *LOL*) from my rear-view mirror.:p


  4. I heart that sign a lot.

  5. Cute reminder that road rage doesn't do any good.

  6. I love this extra to the usual stop sign! Beautifully presented reminder!

  7. I am having the hardest time finding where to go to comment on the blog. Today I think I have finally figured it out. I go up to the “home” and click there. I just had to tell you how much I love this sigh and how I wish I had one at end of our driveway where it meet the killer road. In our 33 years in the house we have lost way over a dozen animals. Now we have a cat and a dog. The cat will NOT go out 0 he is afraid of the outdoors - and Jack has to go out back within an area from which he cannot escape and race across the bridge to somewhere and down the highway. This is great. There needs to me many more. genie

  8. Great capture and a nice reminder for us all. But, at the same time, a bit sad that a professional driver would have to be reminded in this way.


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