Monday, April 22, 2019

Smartphone Monday

Andy | Monday, April 22, 2019 | | | Best Blogger Tips
Starting today I am changing the header on my photo project about phones, from Cell Phone to Smartphone. Technically, a cell phone is not smart. Most smartphones connect to a virtual store with thousands of apps that turn the phone into something much smarter than a regular phone. With a smartphone one can check email, get navigation instructions, make reservations at a restaurant, do your shopping on the internet along with many, more things.


  1. ...I'm sticky with my dumb flip phone!

    1. Pardon the pun... smart move.

    2. I have a dumb phone too and it meets my needs so I'm hanging on to it. It's five years old and still working good.

  2. Makes perfect sense to me, Andy!!! :)

  3. I have a flip phone too - like Tom!

  4. Technology is moving along way too fast for this technophobe Andy, although... I do make appointments on line these days 😱

  5. Interesting series, but I'm still using a cell phone. Those around me spend all their time looking at their small screens. The smart phone has altered our society, and not always in positive ways.

  6. My smart phone stays in my pocket most of the time when I'm out except to take quick snaps to record information. But I find it very useful for keeping track of appointments (calendar) and people (texting), and when I'm home on wifi I do research, check mail, use the calculator, check weather forecasts, and play Words with Friends.

  7. I use mine mostly for photography and a bit of web surfing. I actually prefer a landline for making calls.


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