Monday, September 09, 2019

Going Up!

Andy | Monday, September 09, 2019 | Best Blogger Tips
It's no wonder that they call them skyscrapers.


  1. ...up seems to be the only way to go!

  2. I am always impressed by these gigantic towers and I would not like to live in them. But it allows pleasant pictures to be taken, especially at this state of construction

  3. I'm starting to think we have too many here now!

  4. We have a lot of commotion here about building in general because it gives to much CO² and now more then 2000 plans are crunching to a halt including many high-rise buildings in and around amsterdam. It was a law already and now for the first time executed by judge and embarrassing the government.

  5. Fascinating cranes. They certainly lift these buildings up one piece at a time. Great urban photo.

  6. And they called them skyscrapers even before they started getting this tall. I get dizzy just looking at them now.

  7. That must become huge! Like living in an aeroplane on top!

  8. Just think of all the stairs if the elevators were out of service!


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