Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Chevrolet Glider

Andy | Wednesday, May 18, 2022 | Best Blogger Tips
From the days when manufactures did not have all those bells and whistles that are installed in cars now of day.


  1. Wow. Never seen in Australia as far as I know.

  2. But the car itself was all bells and whistles by design.

  3. The cars had great individual designs back then, Andy.

  4. Cars from different makers all looked unique in the 1950s. Also cars of the early 1950s were not all that safe.

  5. Not quite the same as US Chevies--- I've never seen one quite like it. I guess like Ford's Meteor or the infamous Mercury Pickup in The Horse Whisperer. That had me really confused for a while since Ford never made a Mercury Pickup-- until I realized it was Canadian. Now cars are the same all over the world--- with parts and pieces from all over the world.

  6. Different. Never seen thing model over here.

  7. Almost every vintage car is great imho. This makes no exception. Fantastic car!


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