Monday, July 15, 2013

Mailbox - Avro Arrow

Andy | Monday, July 15, 2013 | Best Blogger Tips

The owner of Model "A" Acres Bed & Breakfast has a passion for old cars and old airplanes. The model of the Avro Arrow seen on the mailbox is an icon from Canada's past. In the 1950's the plane was a hyper sonic fighter being developed with funds from the Canadian Government. It could reach a speed nearly three times the speed of sound and travel at an altitude of 60,000 feet. After the first successful flight the plane was scrapped by the federal government in a decision that remains controversial to this day. You can find out more about the Avro Arrow here. You can view my previous post of Model "A" Acres here.


  1. Nice mailbox. About the Avro its all about money. Look at the JFK today the sum rises every year with a million or so and the end is still not in sight. The Netherlands had ordered 85 but can now pay only 33 and even that is a debate in the senate by still unknown developments cost.

  2. I love it when people are creative with their mailboxes - this one is so cool!

  3. Yes, still controversial. I wonder if we'll ever know the full truth of what happened.

  4. It's kind of sad that they've stopped all supersonic flights. I always wanted to fly on the the Concord. I even worked with a woman a long time ago who actually got to fly on one.

  5. Lovely place and interesting mailbox. In some places that plane would have been stolen a long time ago! Didn't know about this controversy. One doth wonder why governments do some things sometimes. Usually it's the money. Follow the money.

  6. My grandfather and 3 of my uncles all lost their jobs at AVRO when they shut the Arrow down!

  7. Most interesting place. I live old cars and aircraft. Unusual to find them together.

  8. Interesting theme for a B&B. I think his mailbox is pretty cool. I had no idea the Canadian Govt was working on such a program.


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