Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Urban Decay

Andy | Wednesday, September 13, 2017 | Best Blogger Tips
Every big city has it.


  1. Yes, you can name it a sign of the time helas....

  2. I expect it would take a lot of work to get this place sorted out.

  3. Yes, they do. I know of a few places like this around here.

  4. I've seen it in the bigger towns but don't recall seeing it here.

  5. It seems that even smaller towns are looking like that--- Places where jobs in a given industry no longer exist-- logging, farming, mining. Things change, and you can't put the genie back in the bottle.

  6. Looks like some scenes from Detroit! It will take a lot of work and money and a reshuffling of priorities for out politicos to do what needs to be done in these situations.

  7. Even in the 'burbs. An abandoned house I pass by every day recently had all the first floor windows broken. A big bummer.

  8. It is sad to see think kind of decay, and lack of respect for property.

  9. I guess I sound like just another old person decrying lack of respect for property. I just don't get it. I suppose if you don't have respect for property, or have never had anything nice it doesn't make a difference how it looks.

  10. En realidad la decadencia afecta más a las personas, sociedades, culturas y/o civilizaciones; la urbe o ciudad es una víctima más de esa decadencia moral, artística, cultural que afecta a nuestras sociedades.
    Un saludo,


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