Friday, April 06, 2018

Bide One's Time

Andy | Friday, April 06, 2018 | Best Blogger Tips
I was standing in a encove out of sight to anyone approaching from my left, just waiting for the right moment for someone to walk into the scene. Little did I realize that they would be looking directly at me.


  1. need to be a bit sneakier.

  2. Andy, when you wait you're not lucky. They always see us!

  3. We do not still think that the others, as us, have eyes and that wanted you to be a surprise is often surprised. Very beautiful black and white quite smoothly

  4. Surprise, surprise! It's an interesting scene with the two modes of transportation, but your friend made it even more interesting. These are the kinds of things we have to expect when sneaking about the city with a camera on our hip! :)

  5. At least you appeared to be capturing a panorama of the city. Did he stop?

  6. Nicely caught on both side and also great bike stands.

  7. Nicely composed and sneaky at that.

  8. I would love to know what his thoughts were at that moment. :) I love it!

  9. Excelente composición. Aunque no se sabe quien cazó a quien, si el fotógrafo o el fotografiado.
    Un abrazo.

  10. At least you can transfer the blame to him--- he walked into YOUR picture!

  11. Hah! I do exactly the same thing. Hang around quietly and wait for someone interesting to walk into my scene.


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