Sunday, March 15, 2020


Andy | Sunday, March 15, 2020 | Best Blogger Tips
A lot of people would label the young lady on the left as the "odd person out". I just don't see it that way. I would say she is more of a "independent thinker". Being an independent thinker isn’t always easy, it can involve taking risks, such as being unpopular, going against the majority, or being viewed as different or uncooperative. Yes... I know the feeling.


  1. Great observation Andy and yes I know that feeling too.

  2. I'm guessing she's from Arizona and being used to very high temperatures found it to be a bit chilly in Canada. I can relate because that is exactly how I looked the last time I went to London. Everyone else in shirtsleeves and me in a coat and scarf.

  3. 16 year old granddaughter wears black, white and gray!

  4. Interesting photo Andy. I like people who are not necessarily like other people, they are not lambs following the flock and I like that

  5. Lo de ser extraño o raro es un concepto muy subjetivo. Quizá lo que fluye por dentro de la mente de esa persona sea más normal que la del resto, pero su apariencia nos engaña.
    Un abrazo.

  6. Always felt 'different' until I learned the meaning of introvert. Aha, they're o.k; I'm o.k.---nice to know.

  7. "You and I travel to the beat of a different drum..."

  8. Perhaps she's practicing social distancing... I know I AM these days.

  9. She looks fine, and obviously likes keeping warm, Andy


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