Thursday, March 05, 2020

Noah & Climate Change

Andy | Thursday, March 05, 2020 | Best Blogger Tips
From my archives of 2014. Pastor Paul in The Town Of Florenceville, New Brunswick had a vision in the late 1980s that he was supposed to build an ark. Construction began in 1993. The ark is two stories high and about two thirds the size of the ark as described in the Bible. It serves as the dormitory for the Bible college that the pastor also started.


  1. Aren't humans wonderful with our little fixations. I hope it is a toasty dorm for the students.

  2. Fantastic idea. I like framing of your photography of this beautiful ark.

  3. ...and here I thought that this only happened in Kentucky.

  4. Impressive, but at the same time, the mindset that creates this is of the same mindset that believes that story is the literal truth.

  5. Impresiona el arca varada y lo que mas que tenga un buen uso.
    Un abrazo.

  6. That would be a pretty cool dorm! There's an ark down in Tennessee that I want to go see one day.

  7. Llama la atencion de las cosas que es capaz el hombre cuando enloquece, con visiones apocalipticas... La imagen es magnifica

  8. Great picture--- (further comment avoided due to not wishing to accuse anyone of being a complete idiot)

  9. Esperando al diluvio universal.


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