Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Damage Repair

Andy | Tuesday, October 05, 2021 | | Best Blogger Tips
The raccoons have been doing quite a bit of damage in my neighbourhood. They find their way into attics at points where different building materials join, through attic vents, or by tearing off fascia or shingles. They do not hibernate in winter, and the warmth and security of a attic make your home the perfect winter den. Once they’re in, raccoons will start to destroy your home. There is really no limit to the damage these animals can do.


  1. No Racoon Inn, in the area? Like a few old barns?

  2. I haven't seen many of them this year.

  3. Haven't seen any raccoons over here they sound like vicious little devils.

  4. It was mice in our attic this year!

  5. We have friends that had a mother raccoon move into their attic and raise her pups. She did some damage to the roof and made noise at night, but no damage to the rest of the house. One of the pups fell into the house and had to be rescued with a return to the attic. When the pups were old enough they all left.

  6. Well that is not good at all. Hopefully you don't have too many problems.

  7. REcently I looked out the bathroom window and saw 4 juveniles playing in our two birdbaths. Gotta love 'em--- So long as they stay outside. They can't get into our attic--- we have attic rooms, including the one in which I am listening to Chopin and making a comment on your blog! We do occasionally get a possum under the house. (We live in the country)

  8. That sounds terrible to have those animals on your attic!

  9. Sounds terrible. Lucky for us we don't have them but what is not can still come.

  10. I have a thing about heights so I'd be too scared to get up there. Probably just as well we don't have raccoons here.


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