Saturday, April 02, 2022

Barn Charm

Andy | Saturday, April 02, 2022 | Best Blogger Tips
First time I have seen a silo with a star on it. I am thinking maybe Stargazer?


  1. ...Andy, you found a huge and charming barn. Are there three snowflakes to the right of the silo? Thanks my friend.

  2. This barn looks to be in good condition, even if it could use some paint. The star is a nice touch. I'm sorry I provided too much information about your picture yesterday, but I was excited to see such a wonderful classic. I realize cars are at the root of global warming and wars, but I've always been fascinated by them.

  3. Well maintained and ready to stand for another 100 years.

  4. What a russian rocket installation in Canada. Never underestimate your neighbours.

  5. I like it! The barn appears quite sizable!


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