Saturday, October 28, 2017


Andy | Saturday, October 28, 2017 | Best Blogger Tips
Google just opened a donut shop for two days only in Toronto and they're giving away free donuts. There's a been a line snaking out of the pastel pink pop-up that takes centre stage at Dundas Square all day. The idea is that their new Google Home Mini, Google’s version of a Siri or Alexa type product, is even smaller than a donut and remarkably somehow capable of delivering as much enjoyment. My thanks to blogTO for all of the above info.


  1. Everything available for free creates huge crowds of people. Funny photo with the eating woman in front.

  2. Well, I'm sure glad you provide the explanation. Otherwise, Google? Donuts? What?! :-)

  3. ...I can't imagine waiting in line for a donut.

  4. Clever marketing. I would have jumped in line.

  5. A great pic, Andy. I'll pass on the donut!

  6. I've not heard of this Google enterprise. But I'm not surprised. Google, it seems, wants to take over world maybe space at the time. Google is working hard to stifle the regular news outlets so that everything goes through them. Aaargh!

  7. Google home is small but Google is immense .... that of world around!

  8. I wouldn't wait in a line for a doughnut either.

  9. I'm with Tom ...can't imagine waiting in line for a donut. Though I might be standing beside the guy in the backpack, with my camera. And as an aside, what with a Mini, a Siri or an Alexa, I think the technology revolution is leaving me behind.

  10. It's a clever idea but, I don't think I'd wait in the long line just for a free donut.

  11. I'm not really a doughnut person sorry to say but I'm more interested in the sign behind it saying about pumpkin spice lattes, that's something not heard of here that I'd like to try.

  12. Really! Waiting in line for doughnut, hard to believe let alone see those people doing just that. Obviously they don't get to have one often.

  13. Stand in line? For a free donut?? And for such a gracious token I'd spring for another piece of technology? Right.

  14. What an interesting event. I would go for the photo opps and pass on the doughnut. The woman in the red coat looks like she is enjoying her doughnut.

  15. They sure put a lot of money into their product launch. No donuts down here. I am offended.


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