Saturday, January 12, 2013

Covered With Ice

Andy | Saturday, January 12, 2013 | Best Blogger Tips

Ice is the main reason why boats are removed from fresh water for the winter.


  1. As long as you are not covered with ice there are a lot of opportunities to photograph. Have a nice time in the cold.

  2. I never thought about why boats have to be 'winterized' up north...the boat slips look pretty cool surrounded by smooth ice.

  3. I would love to see this in the summer, too. A different scene entirely. PS. I have been out of town, Up North, for a week near the Canadian border without internet or cell phone capability. Very peaceful and serene, but I have not been able to visit any of my blogger friends. It'll take be awhile to read all of your posts to see what I've missed, but it's good to be back!

  4. Believe it or not, I kind of miss this type of scene. I used to love seeing the lighthouses covered with ice when I lived on Lake Michigan. So different from what we see here.

  5. Our salt water docks don't typically freeze but people still often haul out. These docks look like a lonely place.

  6. This is beautiful! And it makes me cold just to look at it.

  7. I was going to say - the only time they do that here is when a hurricane is imminent!

  8. I love the view! The ice 'cements' the look and serves as a great contrast with the sky. I can only imagine the air was nice and crisp the day this was taken.

    A winner in my book, Andy!


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